Thursday, May 3, 2007


today went to unsw christian students (aka christian stalker society, cos they ring me when i don't turn up :P). usually go on wednesdays, but couldn't cos of ridiculous amount of maths to be learnt. which didn't end up being learnt. that was sad. but anyway, i digress..

they've been looking at the properties of manna since the start of the year, and it's really quite interesting. what happens is this guy gives a sort of a lecture for about 40 minutes (but he's a really good speaker, it's interesting) and then we start talking about stuff in groups, and eventually.. like when i left today they were talking about horse books they used to read hehe.

BUT if i can get to the point without any further tangents...
one of the properties of manna is apparently that it's transparent, like an eye. and apparently we're meant to strive to be completely transparent and honest and so on, fair enough.. but by extension, it's wrong to hide problems and to pretend stuff's ok etc. ..huh? and they were saying people hide things like that because they're being prideful, and want to think they're special, and want to keep some part of themselves hidden from the world.

mum keeps telling me it's horrible of others to tell me their problems. (it is at those times that i *ahem* disagree with my mother's point of view, and hold her in perhaps less esteem than i should...) she says that sharing stuff just makes everyone else miserable. and i mean that attitude's clearly doing her a lot of good, cos she's so, you know, emotionally healthy and so on. but... ARGH. surely it's not 'being prideful' to decide 'they probably don't want to know this' when deciding whether to answer 'ok' or 'shit' to a casual 'how are you'...

i'm exaggerating. and i've contradicted myself several times. and i still don't know what point i'm trying to make. just, you know, thinking, hehe

and.. i mean.. telling peeps about probs is good, i think.. like, clearly, there's heaps of examples...

and i'm really sorry but i'm far too vague to continue writing this, i've lost track of everything i was saying and can't be bothered to read it all. so perhaps a revision, or a part 2, tomorrow...

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