Friday, June 15, 2007


im tired and i just want to go home, can i?
it's ok, i can sleep tonight, and then everything'll be ok again. fricken 7 hours at mcdonalds though... :(
i'm scared i'm going to just randomly burst into tears somewhere inappropriate. like at mcdonalds. argh. for no reason, i just feel kinda crappy and have been sleeping pretty crappily too

hmm i always write blogs and never remember to post them. its now 630pm as opposed to 830 am. what was originally 5 hours which had turned into 7 by then, turned into 9 by the end. lame. at least i get money. yes. lots of money with which to annoy von by buying her stuff. excellent :)

but i'm tired and have done no study at all today, and i'm going to fail everything, which will be sad. :(

1 comment:

vonbon said...


Please don't die on me. Sleeeeeep and don't waste that money THAT YOU CAN SPEND ON COLLEGE FEES on me. And then you can study when you wake up in the morning. After a good night's sleep. It's a plan. Yes. ...please?