Saturday, March 3, 2007


went home for weekend and SAW LOTS OF PEEPS which was GREAT and i've missed you all so much and it was really nice to see everyone.

sorry von, i'm going to have to run out of things to whinge about sooner or later, but for now...
EDIT: this doesn't matter so much any more. don't take any notice of this. am fine now.

mum was cranky at me for the whole weekend, except for the part where she was animatedly complaining about one of the contributors for the book of essays she's editing. i'm serious, the whole rest of the weekend she was cranky, and so i was cranky back at her, and it was all bad. she hasn't been sleeping well, though, so i can't really blame her... but still, it wasn't as much fun as i'd hoped the weekend would be.

also... went clubbing, under the pretense of being at bori's place, and had an awful time because i was mopey to begin with, had just had enormous fight with mum over something stupid before coming out, and then she started ringing me and stuff. lying to my mum is INCREDIBLY stressful. i don't think i can do it any more. i don't think i will. and it wasn't worth it anyway.

and... just before i left for sydney again, mum busted me for 'being down' and said she thought i hadn't been sleeping and had been 'starving myself', and stuff, again. i'll concede the sleeping one, but starving myself... what? i assure you, i don't have that kind of self-control. and she said i used to starve myself, but she only mentioned this this year. i lost 5 kg in the first term of yr 11, purely by skipping meals, and she didn't say a word. i don't get it. incidentally, after that i met kita, and ate far more frequently. bori was too easy to avoid hehe. but back to the point. do i
-look- like i'm starving myself to you? i'm going a 'no' on that one...

mathsmathsmathsmathsmaths (not assumed knowledge, just everything else...!!!!!!)
mum thinks i'm sick/depressed/insomniac/anorexic (I'M NOT, SERIOUSLY)
no friends here :(
stupid 'choirboy' (as known to pri) who i'm definitely avoiding now...
sick peeps (R, R, J, anyone else?)
sad peeps (R, there must be more... 2xAs are ok atm i think, not so sure about another A...)
running out of money and credit and need a job
:( rads hasn't spoken to me since i bailed on her birthday... maybe it's just she's been uber busy and her msn's screwed up like before, but... i emailed her to explain too, and msged on the night... hehe i sound like a stalker, hey, whoops, maybe that's why...
PRIYAM'S LEAVING i know i can't talk cos i already left but... :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there we go. now clairesie is less stressed, but von is more stressed about clairesie. once again, an ethical dilemma about whether i should actually post this.

sorry von... *presses orange button*...

1 comment:

vonbon said...

What?! Pri's going where?! WHERE'S MY PRI GOING?!

*cough*... umm... I don't think you're anorexic, am very grateful to Kita, and hope that you and your mega salad diet because of bad food are actually eating.

Sleep is good, says Von despite having absolutely no higher moral ground. Should go to bed before people bust me badly. Will comment coherantly later. *blows kisses*