Thursday, March 29, 2007


(addressed to someone who is not von.)


you are not going to get rid of me that easily. you just try. no, seriously, see if you can. that's a challenge, and as much as i have faith in you in everything else, i can pretty much guarantee that you'll fail in it. more because i suck at reading social cues than anything else, probably, and even if you make it pretty clear you don't like me, i will just refuse to accept it, and love you anyway.

so good luck, dearie. be the worst company you can. i invite people to scream at me as a form of stress relief all the time. i know they love me anyway. ok, maybe i'm delusional and everyone DOES want to kill me. if they did, i'd understand, honestly, probably even sympathise, i'm pretty annoying after all. but yeah.

yeah. you 'treat [me] badly'. way to listen to all my stupid whingey problems even when yours are a bazillion times worse, and then offer useful advice and words of comfort. JEEZ. some people...

anyway. dude. 'i would be bad company because i've been really down and in a bad mood lately' (summary of what you said). yeah, that's the best way ever of pushing me away. cos i hate hanging around with people who are sad. i avoid it whenever possible. ew, sad people. who would hang out with them? clearly one should just leave them to mope around. yep.

honestly... *rolls eyes*

YOU. ARE. GREAT. bad mood or otherwise. UNDERSTOOD?!

(end specifically-directed rant)

*meaningful look* pray for people who are down and unhappy to be as happy as they deserve to be

which is THIS much

^______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________^ times infinity

please don't speculate on who that was directed at... possibly the one person whose problems i have NOT yet spilt about... ehehe... hmm.

1 comment:

vonbon said...

*quirks eyebrow* Ok, Claire. Will not speculate. *prays*