Friday, March 30, 2007


(addressed to a different someone who is not von...)



but i can't bring myself to tell you that.

so i'll go ask the internet. as usual. because it has all the answers.
of course it does. i just... haven't found them yet, because i suck.

it's ridiculous to expect myself to have answers that probably even experienced psychologists couldn't give. isn't it. really, it is...

but you told me stuff, so i owe you some help. i'll just write your essay instead :) band-aid solution, yes... but... seriously...

(that is all)

geez. claire. enough with the monologues. far out.

edit: according to google, it seems there's so much in the Bible about personal suffering, like one's own personal suffering... but practically nothing about... i don't know. and the website where people posted prayers, they were all prayers for themselves... and fair enough - from the sound of it, these people were really sad, but... it would be nice to find someone else on the internet who's drowning in misappropriated problems...
(heh. melodramatic much?)

there must be something. there must be. i just can't find it. that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

not 'why me' but 'why them'... 'why anyone', for that matter... 'why so much'...

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