Saturday, January 27, 2007


it has come to my attention that this blog is saying my posts are posted 5 hours after they actually are. for example, it's 1 08 now.

a pointedly happy post

ok, making a point of posting a happy blog today!

-yesterday and today, rode bike around part of the lake - across scrivener dam at one end, through yarralumla and back across commonwealth bridge - took a bit over 2 hours. bike riding is good, it makes me tired but in a good way, and it's really good for my heart and general fitness, and i can think about things without getting caught up in them...

-i just realised - andrew hasn't been violent towards me pretty much at all for quite a while now! he's been weird, sure, and obsessed with body size and making comments which at times i wish he wouldn't, and he's carried me around the house for some reason, and always wants to arm-wrestle... but he actually hasn't attacked me at all in ages! i think he's been less nice to my mum though, which sucks...

(and nobody will hopefully understand this, but i'll post it for my own benefit) - still haven't screwed up that badhabit-breaking thing woot! um yeah. cool.

see? i can post happy blogs! i can! i must do it more often. in fact, always.

anyway byebyes :) love clairesie

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


why is it that every time i blog i write mopey stuff?

today i was just down, all day, and i dunno why. poor diet, possible vitamin deficiency, weird sleep. that would explain it. all my fault obviously, so complaining is inappropriate. if only i could get my head to accept this logic.

i'm happy. i'm on the way to breaking a bad habit. though now i'm getting to the point where i think about it rather a lot. but that's ok. if i can break this habit, everything will be grand. it really will.

and it seems like i owe somebody the truth about something, but it's a truth which will make them sad... lame.

i can't think of anything else to say. a happier post soon, i promise. perhaps if i post at a time other than the middle of the night.
...nah. that's a ridiculous idea. what evs.

anyway, byebyes :) love clairesie

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

told you i'd post again...

my tummy hurts. this would be due to today's diet of pure sugar. no, seriously. almost literally. this will be another learning experience. either proper food or nothing tomorrow. better be the former.

why did i just start crying when reading Von's blog? perhaps i'm attaching too much mope to everything she writes. then again, 'i took a harsh look at myself and hated what i saw' is kinda... well, if it wasn't meant to be mopey, it's very easily misinterpreted. poor Vonnie.

Von, if you're reading this, i'm probably just far too tired and have read too much depressing fanfiction or something. i'm not worrying... yet :P. only wondering. it's a fine line between them though...

i'm going to miss everyone more than i can imagine this year. as it was, last year, i kept 'seeing' Rads around school, and as for Kita... the boarding house felt empty. there's no other way to describe it. Boz was a wonderful friend, but... a lot of lonely moping occurred nonetheless. and i mean a lot. and i had Boz and Pri and Von and Jamsin and everyone there in the library every day.

so what the hell am i going to do without you guys there every day? i need you people. i don't need (much) sleep, i don't need (hardly any) food, but i do need you.

on that topic, thank you so much for always being there for me, for being more like my mum than my mum (sometimes) and reminding me not to accidentally kill myself through pure laziness or caffeine abuse :P

i was meant to make a speech at my party. i couldn't make a proper one, because if i'd done you guys justice, i would've upset my mum, who already resents the fact that i care so much about peeps and apparently, according to her, not so much about family. but that's another story to be explained at another time.

i should go to bed. i've already broken one of the blog resolutions i made an hour ago about putting spills or whatevs in posts. and i have work tomorrow. fuuuuun :P

byebyes :) love clairesie

this blog...

...will not be yet another abandoned blog
...will not be filled with ridiculous whinges, almost calculated to make readers worry
...will not be simply another unnecessary True Nature of Random storage box

this blog will...
...have almost-frequent posts
...have posts worth reading subtle, but be subtle about being subtle. no obvious veiled comments, i mean.

...and that's about all i can think of. i will post again later. first i must comment on Von's blog.