Wednesday, April 11, 2007

punk-ass nigga

according to andrew, that's what i am. well, that or 'bitch-ass nigga'. such a gentleman. such a politically-correct gentleman. and his descriptions are just so accurate. nigga indeed *snort*

he's annoying because he won't stop calling me that
or shaking me
or hitting me
or sticking his face right in mine
or picking me up
or carrying me around
or making comments about my weight (both ways, one moment i'm fat, the next i'm skinny... : S )
or making my mum shriek (it's not hard)

and we were fighting last night, like wrestling, except not, like, really serious punches, but he dumped me on the floor, and... i don't know why he wears a WWJD wristband, but he does, and it fell off when he dumped me and started kicking me, and it just seemed so funny... i just couldn't stop laughing, he was still kicking me, then he knocked me over and i was still laughing, mum thought i was crying and freaked out...

i always do that, laugh hysterically while i'm being attacked by him

but i feel stupid for bitching about it, because he doesn't really hurt me much. i have no bruises, therefore shut up clairesie.

so in conclusion, it's fine, he's just INCREDIBLY ANNOYING. i'm not being hurt or anything. everyone else has bigger problems than me.

(why do i almost find myself wishing he'd actually hurt me so i could feel sorry for myself without feeling guilty that it's making mountains out of molehills and whinging about nothing?)

on another topic
i wish i wish i wish they would just please leave her the hell alone
do they think they haven't done enough
do they think there's still more left to destroy
what the crap is wrong with them

ahem. yes. anyway.

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