Tuesday, June 19, 2007


i totally wasn't posting on helena's facebook at 5 13am
and i totally didn't get a call from mcdonalds at 6 15 am to ask if i could please please come work asap (which i did, because far out, i think that manager's been there for about 36 hours straight)... i think she thought i was awake when i answered the phone... that's a skill i've developed so mum doesn't kill me, hehe...

i did sleep. i swear i did. just not for long, that's all. people can survive on an hour. and now the thought of more caffeine makes me queasy, and sleeping would make me ridiculously messed up with regard to inappropriate nocturnalism, so i guess i'll just be in a weird state of vague until further notice, yes? yes. ok. awesome. who am i talking to? no-one. good good.

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