Monday, June 25, 2007



feels like getting upset would help... but then i'm upset and all by myself, that's great fun...

clairesie is sorry for posting such stupid crappy things to disturb the von. clairesie will be better when she fixes lifestyle etc. being tired and eating bad food makes people depressed, everyone know that. holidays will fix things.

and alice is stressed... i was going to pretend i wasn't online (see, i'm a horrible girl, some people would be surprised) but didn't, probably lucky huh...

hehehe college food... today it seemed to be based around a theme of 'rice'. rice as always at the vegetables end of the servery, then the vegetarian dish was in fact rice with a few mushrooms, and dessert was apparently rice pudding.

1 comment:

vonbon said...

"Apparently"? What did it look like? *is slightly scared* Did you have any? It doesn't sound like college food is too appetizing. :| Come home so we can feed you up!

Sad that Alice isn't too happy. :( What's she doing now? And I pretend to not be online a lot. So you should just randomly talk to me offline just to see if I'm there. I'll respond if I am. Pinky promise. I just dislike the 189734091723947 people talking at once thing.