Thursday, May 17, 2007

strangely happy for 7 in the morning

i am strangely, amazingly, illogically, disturbingly happy, considering it's 7am, my computing assignment's due at midnight and i haven't started, and i've practically been up all night. all week, for that matter, give or take a bit.

i think i know why though. or at least, i know what i'm going to attribute it to. see, i was helping someone with something, because they were upset stressed out just couldn't cope. i told her to just send it to me, i'd do it. the fact that she agreed almost straight away is a testament to how bad a state she was in. but see, i can't trust clairesie to stay awake. not for her assignments, not even for group assignments. so clairesie prayed that she wouldn't fall asleep till this person's work was done.

twice, she did fall asleep. but each time, only for about 10 minutes, and when she awoke she felt amazingly refreshed.. you know, like, doze off in maths one afternoon and somehow you go from practically-comatose to awake-till-3-the-next-morning? that kind of sleep. and not even feeling gross afterwards, or anything. and somehow subconsciously made self get up off bed after that happened the first time, go wash face etc, until was awake properly.

and the thing got finished (took way longer than it should have, and was probably utter crap, but hey, i don't know anything about King Charles any more, i had to do a lot of research..) and it's sent, at dawn like i promised, and clairesie has had shower and washed hair and feels great, and... yeah...

hmm. just wanted to share that with someone. thinking 'wow, i asked God for that, and got it', on such a short-term based thing, it's just.. you really notice. and when the consequences could have been pretty bad (letting her down etc, she having to spontaneously write something before 10 instead of just de-crappifying something before 10)

... :D

...oh yeah, computing assignment, oops :P meh, it'll be ok

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